For a limited time, PSE is offering an 额外的500美元 当您与我们推荐的能源专业人员合作进行安装时,除了我们的标准回扣外,还可以享受热泵. 对于收入合格的客户来说,这可能意味着总储蓄高达 $2,900 through PSE’s 效率提高 program.
如果你打算更换你的电炉或电阻加热, there’s never been a better time than now. Schedule an appointment 与我们推荐的能源专家之一一起开始. Hurry, offer ends May 15th.
他们提供的服务非常好,而且阁楼的隔热层让我的房子今年夏天凉爽了很多. 多么不同啊. Thank you for making my life better.
– PSE 效率提高 customer
效率提高为收入合格的客户提供更高的节能升级回扣. 我们希望帮助您改善您的家的舒适和效率,而不会打破银行,所以你可以降低你的账单长期.
To get started, check the 收入准则 below for moderate-income customers. 请致电1-800-562-1482联系能源顾问,以验证您的资格或提出问题. If you don’t qualify for 效率提高, 查看我们的 standard residential rebates.
现在十大彩票平台效率提高 rebates
参观 standard residential rebates 页面为客户,设备和回扣要求的完整列表. 限制.
升级类型 | 效率提高 Incentive | 描述 |
电器 | ||
ENERGY STAR® frontload clothes washer | $125 | 点击这里 学习如何获得能效提升计划的家电折扣. |
能源之星®干燥机 | $100 | |
ENERGY STAR® heat pump dryer | $200 | |
智能恒温器 | ||
Line Voltage Connected Thermostat (PSE-approved models) | $130 | 点击这里 学习如何获得效率提高智能恒温器折扣. |
Smart thermostat (ENERGY STAR® models) | $175 | |
空间热 | ||
能源之星®或AHRI认证天然气强制空气炉(≥95% AFUE) | $750 | 点击这里 学习如何获得空间供暖设备的效率提升退税. |
无管热泵转换的区域电阻 | $2,400 | |
Electric forced-air furnace to heat pump conversion | $2,400 | |
天然气供暖采用AHRI认证的管道或无管道热泵** | $4,000 | |
水热 | ||
Heat pump water heater (Tier 3) | $700 | 点击这里 学习如何获得水加热设备的节能退税. |
Heat pump water heater (Tier 4) | $750 | |
Gas tankless water heater | $600 | |
恒温 | ||
Attic Insulation R-11 or less | $1.75 /平方. ft. |
给你的房子隔热是一种简单、划算的省钱和节能的方法. 而且,当你用PSE的绝缘折扣省钱时,它会变得更容易.
对于恒温回扣,显示的回扣金额适用于所有客户,无论收入如何. 申请转介: clubdelfinesdelvalle.com/rep 开始吧. |
Floor Insulation R-11 or less to R-30 | $2.50 /平方. ft. | |
Wall Insulation R-0 to R-13 | $2.50 /平方. ft. | |
Prescriptive Duct Sealing and Insulation R-0 to R-11 | 最高1000美元 | |
仅管密封 | 最高550美元 | |
Prescriptive Air Sealing (attic and/or crawl space) | $0.每平方20元. ft. | |
窗户 | ||
窗户, Single Pane to U30 | $200 per window, up to $2,000 |
点击这里 to learn how to get the 效率提高 window rebate. |
窗户, Double Pane to U30 | 没有一个 | |
窗户, Single Pane to U22 | $200 per window, up to $2,000 | |
窗户, Double Pane to U22 | $200 per window, up to $2,000 |
*“效率提升计划”的顾客亦可申请二百元的返现奖励. 见下文 有关详细信息,.
**Must be PSE natural gas and electric customer
Moderate 收入准则
如果你的家庭月总收入(税前和授权扣除的收入)高于下面列出的最高效率提高收入水平, specific to which county you live in, 查看我们的 standard residential rebates. 如果你住在 生产家, 你可能会收到更高的回扣升级你的家, even if you do not qualify for 效率提高.
家庭的大小: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
岛县 |
最小值 |
$4,404 |
$5,033 |
$5,663 |
$6,292 |
$6,796 |
$7,412 |
$7,804 |
$8,427 |
$9,283 |
$10,140 |
金县 |
最小值 |
$5,888 |
$6,729 |
$7,571 |
$8,408 |
$9,083 |
$9,754 |
$10,429 |
$11,100 |
$11,775 |
$12,446 |
Kitsap县 |
最小值 |
$5,083 |
$5,808 |
$6,533 |
$7,258 |
$7,842 |
$8,421 |
$9,004 |
$9,583 |
$10,163 |
$10,746 |
Kittitas县 |
最小值 |
$4,200 |
$4,800 |
$5,400 |
$6,000 |
$6,513 |
$7,412 |
$7,580 |
$8,427 |
$9,283 |
$10,140 |
刘易斯县 |
最小值 |
$3,900 |
$4,454 |
$5,013 |
$5,615 |
$6,513 |
$7,412 |
$7,580 |
$8,427 |
$9,283 |
$10,140 |
皮尔斯郡 |
最小值 |
$5,017 |
$5,733 |
$6,450 |
$7,167 |
$7,742 |
$8,317 |
$8,888 |
$9,463 |
$10,033 |
$10,608 |
展开汽车追击县 |
最小值 |
$4,254 |
$4,863 |
$5,471 |
$6,075 |
$6,563 |
$7,412 |
$7,580 |
$8,427 |
$9,283 |
$10,140 |
Snohomish县 |
最小值 |
$5,888 |
$6,729 |
$7,571 |
$8,408 |
$9,083 |
$9,754 |
$10,429 |
$11,100 |
$11,775 |
$12,446 |
瑟斯顿县 |
最小值 |
$4,783 |
$5,467 |
$6,150 |
$6,833 |
$7,383 |
$7,929 |
$8,475 |
$9,021 |
$9,567 |
$10,140 |
Whatcom县 |
最小值 |
$4,483 |
$5,121 |
$5,763 |
$6,400 |
$6,913 |
$7,425 |
$7,938 |
$8,450 |
$9,283 |
$10,140 |
*如果您的收入低于最低收入范围,请查看PSE的免费 首页 恒温 Assistance program, administered through your local community agency.
You may also qualify for additional assistance programs.
- 检查 收入准则. 如果你符合效率提高的收入要求,完成一个 income qualification form.
- 参观 Appliance rebates 网站 to ensure your equipment qualifies. If your equipment qualifies, download an 家电退税表格.
- 提交填妥的退税表格(以及表格上列出的证明文件), 加上完成的 Income Qualification form, to the email or mail address listed on the 退税表格.
- 提交 income qualification form 和你一起 退税申请 通过PSE的在线返利申请门户或申请电子邮件: homeappliancerebates@clubdelfinesdelvalle.com for clothes washer rebates and thermostatrebates@clubdelfinesdelvalle.com for smart thermostat rebates.
- If your rebate is approved, 付款将以您在退税申请中要求的形式发送给您, either a check or bill credit.
Electric Hybrid Heat Pump 水热ers
- 检查 收入准则. 如果你符合效率提高的收入要求,完成一个 income qualification form.
- Visit PSE’s webpage on electric hybrid water heaters 申请优惠券. 然后去一个参与的零售地点使用你的优惠券,并获得500美元的折扣.
- 为符合入息资格的“效益促进计划”客户,额外获得二百元返利, download and fill out the 退税申请.
- 提交填妥的退税申请(以及表格上列出的证明文件), 加上完成的 income qualification form, to the email or mail address listed on the 退税表格.
Smart Thermostats Program
If you’ve already purchased the equipment:
- 检查 收入准则. 如果你符合效率提高的收入要求,完成一个 income qualification form.
- 提交 income qualification form 和你一起 退税申请 to the email or mail address listed on the 退税表格.
- If your rebate is approved, 付款将以您在退税申请中要求的形式发送给您, either a check or bill credit.
If you have not already purchased the equipment:
- 参观PSE 效率提高 Marketplace 购买智能恒温器并立即收到回扣.
恒温 Program
上表所列的折扣适用于所有客户,无论其收入水平如何. 获得这些回扣不需要额外的收入核查步骤. 请访问clubdelfinesdelvalle.com/rep to request a contractor referral, or visit clubdelfinesdelvalle.com/insulation 了解更多信息 about weatherization rebates.窗户, 水热 and 空间热 Programs
If the work has not been completed…
- 检查 收入准则,并联络 能源顾问(EA) to discuss eligibility. EA将指导您完成接下来的步骤,并可以向推荐能源专业人员(REPs)提供推荐。, who are approved to deliver 效率提高 rebates.
- 一旦你选择了一个推荐的能源专家,他们会要求你签署一个 income qualification form 在安装前确认您符合资格要求.
- 安装后, REP将向PSE提交您签署的激励申请和收入资格表,并为您提供即时回扣. Incentives will be paid directly to the REP, who will deduct the incentive amount from your invoice, reducing your out-of-pocket cost. 你方负责支付发票的余额.
- 检查 收入准则,并确保你的家庭收入低于最高限额.
- 下载并签署 income qualification form 确认您符合入息资格要求.
- 完成一个 窗户, 电空间热, 气体空间热, gas-to-电空间热, 电热水, or 气水热 退税表格. Note the required documentation for each form. 提交填妥的退税表格(以及表格上列出的证明文件), 加上完成的 income qualification form, to the email or mail address listed on the 退税表格.
如果你的家庭收入低于上述中等收入准则,你也可能符合资格 additional assistance programs 通过PSE提供. 重要的注意事项,请查看免费的家庭升级机会提供通过 首页 恒温 Assistance.